La Route Napoleon

On the second chase scene, Richard and Gabriela are in what is known as the Route Napoleon, between Grasse and St. Vallier de Thiey.
The Route Napoleon is called such because, after Napoleon left Elba, he landed near Nice and marched, supposedly triumphant, via this road in 1815.  He, of course, was then defeated at Waterloo not long after (for those interested in more details about Napoleon’s march, go to this link: ).
We traveled this road many, many times during our stay there.  It is a sight to behold.  It wasn’t, however, for my characters (but for that you have to read the novel’s chapter).  We even, at St. Vallier, sat on the bench where Napoleon purportedly sat.
If you are anywhere in the area, go and explore it.  It is worth the trip.

The different villages you will hit in the area while traveling N85

Some of the landscape as you drive through.  What my characters saw.

Same as above.