Online Workshop from the Carolina Romance Writers Chapter

If anyone out there is a writer, or wants to be a writer, I recommend signing up for the following workshop.  It is online, so it is super convenient.

April 2014

WORKSHOP: Getting More Emotional Connection Via Deep POV
INSTRUCTOR:  Robin Weaver
DATE: April 7, 2014 to April 20, 2014
TYPE: Mini, (Two-Week-long) classes, consisting of at least 2 lessons per week
COST: $10 for CRW and HCRW members, all others $15

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: In the best stories, the reader identifies so completely with the protagonist, they become one with the character and feel the hero/ine’s fear, despair, anger, and joy.  Help your reader connect emotionally with your characters by going deeper with Point of View (POV). This workshop details how to get into your heroine or hero’s head, and providers pointers to help increase the emotional stakes for the reader 

INSTRUCTOR BIO: A professional computer geek, Robin Weaver started writing extensively when she traded in her ski boots for flip-flops and moved to North Carolina.   She’s an avid fan of Latin dance, CCR, the N.Y. Yankees, and the five o’clock shadow—not necessarily in that order. She has published four novels: Blue Ridge Fear and Artifact of Death as Robin Weaver; and, Forbidden Magic and Forbidden Flame under her pseudonym Genia Avers. Robin writes a regular blog for Romancing the Genres and her articles have appeared in numerous RWA Chapter Newsletters.  She’s also a Golden Heart finalist and winner of the prestigious Daphne du Maurier contest.

Registration Deadline: April 3, 2014   Register Here

For more information, please email:   


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