Thrilled about this new review and always grateful.

ByAmerson August 9, 2016
Whew! If you’re looking for a book full of suspense and thrilling action, this is a
book for you.It’s got a dark side and the thrilling part of the story will keep you
on your toes – it will also keep you guessing until the end. You’ll be asking 
“who did it, who was the killer?” then it will switch to “No way!” I applaud
the author in keeping the twists and turns up from the first page to the last page!

There is no lack of description or detail. Each scene, whether it be in the house,
on the mountain, or at a party, is detailed very well and the scenes described
piece for piece.You shouldn’t have any problem visualizing them as you’re reading, make
the scenes flow effortlessly through your mind.

This story has a little forbidden romance but I think you’ll find yourself cheering
for Richard, the forbidden lover. It’s kind of depressing reading about Roberto and
his treatment of his wife and his ability to put work first, no matter the reason.
I definitely found myself rooting for Richard and hoping he would win his love.

Overall, this was a great story and a good read. The concept was interesting
and made for a good read.