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Review Rating:

5 stars

Reviewed By Arya Fomonyuy for Readers’ Favorite

Suspenseful, thrilling, and action-packed are apt words to describe The Coin by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra, a mesmerizing story with great potential to have readers utterly captivated. It all starts with a coin, a mysterious, coveted coin, but what is the value of a coin that people are killed and the lives of many put in danger? Set against the lush backdrop of the French Riviera, this novel explores very powerful themes such as lust, love and betrayal, and many things in between. Gabriela Martinez couldn’t have known that the coin she’d found in the Riviera could set her up as a target. A man gone mad, a very clever killer has her almost in his grip, and will not relent. There is only one person who can protect her, the Intelligence Operative Richard Harrison, but does he have everything required to outwit a cunning killer and unforgiving terrorists?

The story has a brilliant opening; it begins with murder, and the reader is immediately introduced to one of the key characters in the story, the madman. Curiosity awakens and becomes a force that keeps the reader turning the pages. The setting is very beautiful and the idea of the “coin” is just brilliant and enigmatic, something of a mystery which adds to the pervading sense of danger that dominates the entire story. The characters are well crafted and explored in great depth, and the author does this without sacrificing her powerful plot points and her oh-so-beautiful prose. Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra’s work is one of the craftiest stories that will make readers fall in love with the exotic French Riviera. The Coin is hugely entertaining!