YAY! Three reviews on Amazon – two for The Coin and one for The Book of Hours. Grateful. A great gift to an author. Thank you, thank you.
P.S. Glad you enjoyed them so much!

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful story
ByBettyon December 20, 2016Format: Kindle EditionThis book is well written. It keeps the action going and is hard to put down. Am looking forward to meet these characters again. This is a true review in exchange for the book.Comment|Was this review helpful to you?

5.0 out of 5 stars Must readByAnnaon December 6, 2016Format: Kindle EditionI just finished this book and I have bought the second in the series so I can read it right away. The story was riveting! The idea of an ordinary woman being drawn into such a complex situation because of her grandmother’s bracelet captured me right from the start. How she reacts is astonishing to watch. I recommend this book highly. Now I am going to start reading “The Book of Hours”.

5.0 out of 5 stars I loved both books and can only say I liked “The …By Anna on December 11, 2016Format: Kindle Edition Verified PurchaseThis was just as exciting as the first book. The people are well drawn and interesting. The story is fascinating and I couldn’t stop reading. I loved both books and can only say I liked “The Coin” better because I knew another one followed and now there are no more. I wish them welll and am sorry to see them go. This is most certainly a must read for mystery, thriller and romance fans.