Another great review. So thankful, and excited, and humbled, and celebrating!

5.0 out of 5 starsHow can an innocent act can change your life?
ByASLugoon December 20, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition
This romantic suspense thriller revolves around a woman named Gabriela Martinez,
an up and coming artist, wife and mother. She lives in France with her husband
who is looking to make his mark career wise. She has a wealthy French benefactor
who wants to give her the well deserved exposure in the art world and he wants her
in his bed. One day during one of her walks Gabriela finds a coin and takes it to the
local jeweler to add to a charm bracelet that is a precious heirloom. In comes Richard
Harrison, CIA, who was “asked” to question Gabriela about this coin during his
vacation. Who knew that such an innocent act of finding a coin would put a life in
danger. There is subject matter very relevant to todays current issues of terrorism,
genocide, and violence. Also you learn much about Gabriela’s marriage. Things are
not what they seem. The story was filled with action, intense situations and in the
middle of everything there is romance. The story ends in a cliffhanger but thankfully
you can continue to read more about Gabriela and Richard in “The Book of Hours.”

Received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon an Alpha.