They continued at a reckless speed down the narrow road where more private driveways branched out like river tributaries, some of them perilously concealed. Richard knew the hazards of not slowing down on this type of road, but he dared not. Gabriela’s quick thinking had given them an advantage of two, maybe three minutes at most. Richard knew the stalking would continue, and he needed to widen the gap quickly. Their survival depended on his maintaining a healthy distance.
They continued at a reckless speed down the narrow road where more private driveways branched out like river tributaries, some of them perilously concealed. Richard knew the hazards of not slowing down on this type of road, but he dared not. Gabriela’s quick thinking had given them an advantage of two, maybe three minutes at most. Richard knew the stalking would continue, and he needed to widen the gap quickly. Their survival depended on his maintaining a healthy distance.