I am so, so grateful, you can’t imagine. Thank you to all the readers who take their valuable time to post reviews for authors. You make our collective writers’ day!!

.0 out of 5 starsA thriller worthy of the name.
ByMitch Selleckon January 15, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition
If you enjoy a tale that entertains and keeps you riveted to the pages,
The Coin is exactly what you are looking for. Ms Alonso-Sierra captures
your imagination right from the very first page. Her characters display
traits that endear you to them, and you truly care what happens to them.
As an author, She deftly weaves her story, and includes the human drama
and politics between the protagonists and the antagonists. Although I typically
don’t care for romantic stories, she tells a compelling tale, and completely
enthralled me to the end. As I reached the final pages, I found myself hoping
for more. Fortunately, there are more books in the series, so I don’t have to
wait. Buy this book. You won’t regret it.