Another Review

5.0 out of 5 stars The Coin July 20, 2013 By Yaremis Armas Format:Paperback After weeks of placing The Coin down, I still cannot let go of its beautiful scenery, relatable characters, and startling fast paced plot. The coin straddles two genres of fiction which evoke a powerful reading experience: suspense and romance! Sierra’s complex plot and intriguing … Read more

The Painting in the Novel

In Chapter One, I mention the powerful impact of a painting Gabriela exclusively created for one of my characters.  The inspiration came from two sources.  The first was from one of my favorite Renaissance St. George paintings, the Paolo Uccello.  Then I started thinking, what if I modernize it, make the horse like the Peter … Read more

La Route Napoleon

In the novel, there is a chase scene that takes place in the Route Napoleon.  This avenue, that slices through Grasse and beyond, is the route Napoleon took on his way back to Paris after his first exile at Elba.  I am posting two photographs that give you an idea of what the area looks … Read more

Novel Discussion @ Books & Books — Cont’d

Here are more photographs of the event, held on Tuesday, July 9, 2013.  More photos to follow.  We had an incredible time!!!! From left to right:  Cristina Maldonado, Cindy Kennedy, Annette Mastrapa, Brenda Salgado From left to right sitting:  Frances Serantes Gomez, Gina Barquin, Mellie ChangFrom left to right standing:  Liz Buzone, Lourdes MartinIn background … Read more