Got Another Review :)

I received another review!  Happy. 4.0 out of 5 stars Good suspense novel June 23, 2013 By Dr. Agamemnon Gus Pantel, Ph.D. Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase The author keeps the plot moving at super speeds and is complex enough to maintain reader interest. From her intricate descriptions, I could fully imagine the sites and places where the action took … Read more

A Bit More of the Novel…

…”This is absolutely the last time I’ll be doing you any damn favors, Jack.”   Seldon’s sharp blue eyes followed Richard’s receding form, wondering about the gamble he had just taken.  He knew he risked losing heavily if it went wrong.   “He’s going to be real pissed at you when he finds out the truth,” Virginia … Read more

More of the Novel — Just a Tiny Bit

He listened for a moment longer.  The quality of her voice made him wonder, for a fleeting second, if her face would correspond to the soft strands he heard.He knocked on the open door.   […] Swiftly she called out in French that she would be there in a jiffy, washed the quiche dough from her … Read more

More from the Novel

… “Can you help me?”The man nodded, but his eyes narrowed, intent on this intruder, this new threat to his carefully plotted safety net.  He began to close in slowly.The hiker visibly relaxed.  “Thank God.  I thought I’d be forced to camp out tonight.”The mouth and eyes that smiled back at the hiker chilled the … Read more

Just for Fun — Cont’d

As more people read my novel, they keep asking who would play what character if it is made into film (Oh, one of my fondest dreams.  I have the screenplay ready to go!!).Here are two other picks for characters:  Viggo Mortensen as Albert (my sister actually knew his mother.  Isn’t that incredible?  Small world) and Oded Fehr … Read more