Visit…leave a comment… Super thanks go to Mari Christie (, assistant extraordinaire, for this wonderful website. Definitely couldn’t have done it without you!!
Visit…leave a comment… Super thanks go to Mari Christie (, assistant extraordinaire, for this wonderful website. Definitely couldn’t have done it without you!!
Thanks to Lily Bishop, who is hosting me today on her blog. Both novels are mentioned and a bit more.
Want to share the cover of my latest novel, The Book of Hours. It came out beautiful. E-version already on pre-sale at a very special price. Print version will be launched on Feb. 12, 2015, just before the mania of Fifty Shades.I will also be appearing in Book ‘Em Carolina in Feb. 28, 2015. There, … Read more
Thank you to all my readers for making this year so wonderful. Next year will be better! Have a wonderful, blessed year!
Wishing everyone a joyous Christmas. May God bless you all and fill you with health, happiness, and strength. Thank you, as well, for all your support throughout the year. You have been fantastic fans. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, … Read more
Long-awaited, I know, but here it is. You can pre-order at a special price! You can find it at Smashwords: Amazon: and Noble, Kobo, and the Apple Store will be available in the next few days.
Grateful that I am hosted at RomCon Blog. Thanks to Karen.Go check out the excerpt! Read the novel! The follow-up coming this month!
Please go visit Nancy Lee Badger’s author blog. She is hosting me! Thanks to Nancy and her readers!! Read the excerpt. Enter the giveaway. Go to:
Congratulations to my Goodreads Sweepstakes winners, Leah from Colorado, Felicia from Utah, and T. Lee from Florida!Your autographed copies are on the way! Enjoy.Remember that, The Book of Hours, the follow-up to The Coin is coming out in December 2014!