Although I didn’t make it to win a medal, the review, from this prestigious organization, is not shabby at all!!!

“Hanging Softly in the Night deals with a variety of suicides, from the main character’s former wife to the string of “suicides” that he’s investigating. Though this topic could be sensitive to some, I found the plot to be engaging, well-developed, and relatively fast paced. The main characters are complex and well-thought-out, adding to the plot with their unique stories and dialogue. By the end of the novel, I found the reveal of who murdered the “suicide” victims, and how, to be creative and a unique twist that I haven’t seen before, which made it a more exciting mystery. 

This book is exemplary in its choice of topic or theme of the story. It is unique but still has strong appeal for most readers in its intended genre…and exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout. The style and tone are also consistent with or will appeal to readers of the intended genre.

This book is satisfactory in its structure, organization, and pacing.

This book is satisfactory in production quality and cover design.

This book is satisfactory in character appeal and development.” 

Judge, 29th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.

( 🙂 – my smiley )