I am super stoked!! Received this just today, after an excellent book signing trip to Deadwood, SD. Will be posting about the trip later. But THIS!!! OMG!


Title: Hanging Softly in the Night: A Detective Nick Larson Novel

Author: Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra

Genre: Fiction/Mystery/Thriller

Audience: Adult

Word Count: 100000


Plot: Alonso-Sierra’s high-speed plot is dramatic and well-balanced. Despite an abrupt ending, the storyline introduces believable complications and plausible intrigue.

Prose/Style: Alonso-Sierra’s prose is both poetic and succinct. The articulate third-person perspective employs genuine criminal lingo without sacrificing its lyrical style.

Originality: Hanging Softly in the Night applies conventional murder mystery themes, but goes above and beyond by adding in psychiatric subplots.

Character Development/Execution: The characters in Hanging Softly in the Night are relatable and intriguing, particularly Nick Larson’s troubled past juxtaposed with his present-day crime-fighting. Readers will be left ruminating on the attention-grabbing dynamics between Laura Howard and her malicious twin sister.

Blurb: A fast-moving murder mystery that will leave readers fixated on the psychiatric undertones driving the main characters.


  • Plot/Idea: 8
  • Originality: 6
  • Prose: 7
  • Character/Execution: 8
  • Overall: 7.25